October 2019 End of Watch Monthly Update
September 2019 - 12 Officers Down
September has come to an end, and while there is no acceptable number of line of duty deaths (LODDs), we are glad that current reports indicate a below average number for the month. Looking at the statistics on the Officer Down Memorial Page, it’s good to see that LODDs are currently trending down.
This month we continue our mission to honor the fallen by rucking a mile for each fallen officer. If you would like to join us in this mission you can do so from wherever you are. Just throw some weight in your ruck and put in the miles. The suggested weight is 20 pounds, as this represents the average weight of duty gear an officer carries on a daily basis.
From across the country, we receive messages from people who want to join the EOWF in our monthly ruck challenge. To support these requests, we are launching something new on our website. If you are the leader of an existing ruck club in your area and you want to add this monthly ruck to your list of events, or if you are an individual who wants to show your support by gathering a group to participate, please click the link below to register.
End of Watch Monthly Ruck Information
Shortly after we receive your registration, you will receive an email from us with guidelines to help get you started. It is our goal to support you to have a successful event in your area. If you have suggestions or constructive feedback, we want to hear from you! Contact us on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) or simply message us on our website.
Thank you for your support!
Caleb Cook
This Month’s Rucks
In September, we lost 8 officers. We will ruck one mile for each of these officers. As with each month, we suggest a ruck weight of 20 lbs to reflect the average weight of the gear an officer carries each day on duty.
If you would like to come out and join us for all or part of those miles, we look forward to rucking with you! Please remember, the weight and distance can be adapted to fit your desired level of activity.
Meeting Location:
Navarre Park
8513 Navarre Pkwy
Navarre, Florida 32566
Meeting Time:
Oct. 12, 2019 @ 5:30 PM
To learn more about this month’s ruck, view the event page on Facebook.
Joseph Paolillo
New York City Police Department, New York
End of Watch: Monday, September 9, 2019.
Dornell Cousette
Tuscaloosa Police Department, Alabama
End of Watch: Monday, September 16, 2019.
Police Officer
Derrick Bishop
New York City Police Department, New York
End of Watch: Thursday, September 19, 2019.
Vincent Liberto, Jr.
Mandeville Police Department, Louisiana
End of Watch: Friday, September 20, 2019.
Deputy Sheriff
Chris Hulsey
Meade County Sheriff’s Office, Kentucky
End of Watch: Saturday, September 21, 2019.
Tracy Vickers
Florida Highway Patrol, Florida
End of Watch: Friday, September 27, 2019.