2018 EOWMR Featured in Pensacola News Journal
Caleb & Josh got the chance to speak with a reporter from the Pensacola News Journal to talk about the 2018 End of Watch Memorial Ruck.
Here is an excerpt of their interview:
“Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office Deputy Caleb Cook is a devoted endurance athlete who competed in about 15 events last year.
"I put a lot of miles on my feet," he said.
Along the way, something clicked in Cook's mind and he realized his purpose behind the physical and mental labor was misguided.
"I did all that for myself, but what did I do it for?" Cook said. "I started putting my energy into ways to do something that meant something."
Through a mutual acquaintance, Cook met Joshua Schwitzerlett, an event organizer, and the men created the first End of Watch Memorial Ruck. “
You can read the full article here: “Santa Rosa County End of Watch Memorial Ruck will honor fallen law enforcement.”